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雅思口语part-2 a small business you would like to have话题的思路与讲解

发布时间:2017-03-11 11:07:00 关注量:6911次

雅思口语part-2例文:a small business you would like to have

在雅思口语话题中,同学们难免遇到一些无从下手的题目。对于这些题目,我们要在平时练习的时候就多思考,把自己的兴趣,爱好或者经历做以充分发挥。这样会更容易与考试话题相结合。下面,通途国际英语的小编就来为大家做一篇关于a small business you would like to have这个话题的思路与讲解。

Describe a small business you would like to have.
You should say:
what it would be;
what you need to prepare for it;
where you would have this business;
and explain why you would like to do this business.

Well, recently I actually had the idea of opening a cake shop when I officially graduate from school. (可以用“最近冒出个念头”这样的说法来开始,显得生动有趣而又自然而然)I’m not going to make a name(出名)for myself, but for my cupcakes and baguettes.(一种法国长面包)

There are a variety of options for me, but I think I would still prefer to start with a counter service bakery(窗口式蛋糕销售)which would allow my customers to see the real cake-making process, (对店面的外观描述完后,直接在同一个句子中对其所对应的实际功能加以说明。这样的句子既高效又漂亮)and, of course, the rent should be affordable(负担得起的)for me. Such a bakery will be the best of both worlds! Regarding making cakes, it is not a general skill that everyone knows well, so I think it’s inevitable for me to take some professional lessons for this. And to open a cake store and to make it popular and successful, I’m gonna hire an experienced baker. As for (对于前文解释得不够充分的地方,可以用”as for” 来引出想要解释的内容,具体加以说明)why I would take classes, well, I’m the boss after all. And I guess it would be very helpful when giving advice.

Well, I almost forget that (实际上这种说法既可以用来找回真正忘记说的内容,也可以当成一种策略,把题目中尚未说到的问题进行解释)I still need to save some money for purchasing equipment, like scales, bowls, pan racks, ovens, mixers, etc. Another huge expense!(说的过程发点牢骚,显得更为真切。同时也拉近了与考官的距离,使对方更能够感同身受。但在说这句话时要注意你的语气和你说的内容一定得对应上)Actually there is a very specific reason here for me to open a cake shop. Aside from the fact that I myself have a sweet tooth(嘴馋), it is more because I saw an unspeakably beautiful and magic cake on a TV program. It was a famous talk show in China, and it introduced a kind of mirror cake with the surface like a smooth mirror, or more precisely, the Milky Way(银河)where you can clearly see yourself in it. The cake was unbelievably amazing(难以置信的棒). I suddenly felt (结尾时别忘了谈谈自己的感受)how powerful and magnificent a bakery could be and determined that one day I would also make a cake that could move every one of my customers. (这部分讲电视节目的内容也可以用作其它话题的语料。)

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