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雅思口语part-2 an interesting or unusual thing you did话题的思路与讲解

发布时间:2017-03-24 11:12:00 关注量:6652次


例文:an interesting or unusual thing you did

在雅思口语话题中,同学们难免遇到一些无从下手的题目。对于这些题目,我们要在平时练习的时候就多思考,把自己的兴趣,爱好或者经历做以充分发挥。这样会更容易与考试话题相结合。下面,通途国际英语的小编就来为大家做一篇关于an interesting or unusual thing you did这个话题的思路与讲解。

Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently (in your free time).

You should say:

what you did

when and where you did it

who you did it with

and explain why you think it was interesting or unusual.

Well, I am going to share something with you. (这样的开始语也是可以的) Nothing is more interesting and thrilling (这样的说法就可以避免只讲interesting 这一个单词的语言重复)than ordering cheap goods online, from the big online shopping platforms like Ebay& Taobao(也可以说Amazon and T-mall).

Recently, I got myself a cheap phone from Taobao(或Taobao dot com), which only cost me 500 RMB. It’s the latest model made by Iphone. Everything is functional(功能完好)and I believe that my money was well spent.

I have a habit of browsing online shopping webpages for cheap goods or even second-hand ones, as long as I believe it’s a good bargain(便宜货). These webpages are convenient to use. All you need is a cellphone or a computer that is connected to the Internet.(前面一句these webpages是短句,后面all you need 是长句。长短句式交替使用,避免了全是长句子的冗长,同时也句式变得有多样性)But you also have to be really fast, for the good things won’t wait for you if it’s a nice deal(交易).

As to why I believe it was interesting(解释题目中的具体问题时,可以用as for 来开头,再加上问题本身), I have two reasons. Firstly, there must be something that you really want for a long time and hesitate to buy(犹豫买不买)at the high price. If one day its price finally drops, you will be overjoyed. Secondly, it’s also a great way to kill time. When I am browsing the webpages freely without any certain purpose(漫无目的), my spirit is relaxed, which, I guess, is another benefit from it.


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