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发布时间:2017-03-22 15:37:00 关注量:6917次

Many young people leave school with negative attitudes towards learning. Why? How to encourage positive attitudes?








Many young people, once leaving school, have expressed theirresentment toward learning, saying they will never get back to school. Then, what makes these young people hate their school life sovehemently?

(1) 开头段引入话题。先简单地描写(不是照搬题目原句!)年轻人对学习的态度,然后提出问题。

(2) resentment n. 怨恨(=dislike; hatred)

(3) vehemently adv. 强烈地;猛烈地(=strongly)

There could be two reasons why this happens. First, today the students are surrounded by so many distractions that they gradually find that learning is too boring and uninteresting. While students two decades ago had nearly no choice but sit in the classroom and read books, students today have easy and fast access to Internet, on which they can do almost all things. For instance, they can play computer games, watch videos, search for any information they need, and chat with their friends,to mention just a few. So, having been used to this kind of “easy” online life, many young people simply cannot put their heart into the more serious and consuming school work.



(2)distraction: 干扰


(4)to name just a few:如此等等;诸如此类


Another important factor that affects the students' attitude towards learning is that a good education seems not as important as before. For quite a long time, receiving a good education was the only way for young people to get adecent job and earn a high salary. But now, this is apparently not the case anymore. Influenced by business stars like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, many young people now begin to believe that one’s success is notin proportion to the education s/he receives. The students, therefore, are notmotivated enough to focus on their learning.



(2)factor n. 因素

(3)decent adj. 体面的

(4)apparently adv. 表面看地;明显地

(5)in proportion to...与......成正比

(6)motivated adj. 有动力的

As education of the young is so important to the future of the world, we ought to find ways out of this embarrassing situation. For example, the school and parents should work together to set limits on the time children spend online and encourage them to devote more time to learning. Besides, young people should be made to understand that life is not just about making money, but about having rich and colorful experience and learning is the best gateway to thatrewarding life.


(1) 本段提出解决办法,分别针对前面两个原因,这样可以确保文章的连贯性。谁都不喜欢原因分析和解决办法互不相关的写作。

(2) embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的

(3) set limits on... 给......设限

(4) devote...to... 投入......到......

(5) gateway n. 通路

(6) rewarding adj. 有回报的;有价值的


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