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发布时间:2017-04-17 15:56:00 关注量:6586次

In the past, the main role of the teacher was to provide information. Today, however, students can get access to a wide range of information. Therefore, some people think there is no role for the teacher in the modern education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people think it's necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries. However, other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen at TV and the Internet.Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.

It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about other cultures. We can learn from books, films and internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

People can work and study on the Internet without going to school or the company. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?

In modern society, it is possible to go shopping, work and communicate via the Internet without face-to-face contact with one another. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Some people think government should build public libraries in every town. Others believe it is a waste of money because we can get information via internet at home. Discuss both views.

Museums are getting less important, when people can have access to information on the Internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important to a child's education than going to school. However, others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


(3)网络毕竟是冷冰冰的技术,缺乏人与人交流的温度(warmth),而实地旅游、购物、上学、上班、去博物馆、图书馆会带来一种人际体验(interpersonal contact),而人际体验是我们人生的重要组成部分(interpersonal contact is an important part of our life’s experience)。

Nowadays it is not uncommon to see a teacher lecturing laboriously with some students fixing their eyes on their laptop screen or smartphone and others sleeping. The reasons for this pathetic situation are varied, one important being that, with more sources of information at hand, students do not have to rely on their teachers as much as before for things they want to know. While this is certainly true in a sense, I still hold that the teacher does have a role to play in modern education.


(1) 本段先描写现象,然后提出自己的观点。提醒高分段学生:开头句不要满足于提出现象,要培养用具体词汇,具体场景来描写现象的习惯和能力。比如本段开头若这样写,效果就会差很多:Now as students have more and more sources of information, the teacher does not seem to have a role in modern education. However, I don’t think this is true. 有读者可能问:为什么这样写不容易得高分呢?原因就是这样写显示不出语言使用的灵活性,而高分段作文必须显示出语言的创造性和灵活性。提醒一句,语言的创造性和灵活性不是大词或者复杂句(虽然一定幅度的词汇,一定的句式变化很重要),而是写出新鲜而具体的内容。
(2) ...is not uncommon ......不罕见
(3) laboriously 费力地;辛劳地
(4) pathetic 可怜的
(5) varied 多样的;不同的
(6) at hand 在附件的;在手边的
(7) rely on 依赖

In the first place, Internet, along with other similar non-human sources, isfar from perfect as a source of information and knowledge. For one thing, information on Internet may be unreliable, or even incorrect. A friend of mine recently got into serious trouble because she obtained an article from Internet and gave it to her supervisor,only to find later that the article was about Australia, rather than Austria as she had originally expected. For another, knowledge from the Internet is often incomplete and fragmented, but what students need is really something more systematic so that they can obtain a comprehensive picture of an academic field. A student who mainly depends on the Internet for knowledge mayend up aJack of all trades but master of none.


(1)本段分析把网络作为信息和知识源的问题所在,提出了两个原因:首先,网络信息不可靠;其次,网络知识不完整。两个原因用for one thing... For another...来连接。
(2)in the first place 首先
(3)far from 绝非
(4)For one thing... For another... 其一,......;其二,......
(5)..., only to find... 却发现......
(6)fragmented 碎片的
(7)systematic 系统的
(8)comprehensive 完整的
(9)end up 最终变成......
(10)jack of all trades, master of none 什么都懂,什么都不专

But even if the Internet and other similar sources provide information as accurate and systematic as the teacher does in class, I still do not agree that they can supersedethe classroom teaching. After all, going to school is not just about obtaining information. It is more of an experience. Compared with the “cold” and “indifferent” Internet, the communication with teachers in classroom often carriesa tinge of human warmth and that personal feeling is sometimes even more important than the knowledge itself and becomes part of our memory of school life.


(2)supersede 替代;取代
(3)after all 无论如何;毕竟
(4)indifferent 漠然的;不关心的
(5)a tinge of 一丝

So, in terms of knowledge-based education, the Internet and other sources do facilitate our access to information (though sometimes inaccurate and incomplete), yet when it comes to experience-based education, which I think is more essential, there is always an important role for the teacher to play.

(2)in terms of 在......方面
(3)facilitate 加快;有利于
(4)access 获取;进入
(5)when it comes to... 当谈到......
(6)essential 重要的,关键的


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