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发布时间:2018-06-26 13:55:47 关注量:6294次





一、雅思口语话题:News 新闻报道


It is very important for us to get news because we want to know about the outside world. I get news nearly every day,but because I am busy I just ask my friends to tell me what has happened. They will tell me the most fascinating news,but I only get some entertainment news or social news from them. My greatest interest lies in both financial news and sports news. I am dealing with stocks,and any change of policy or speech by a high rank may cause the stock market to fluctuate. I get financial news every day,which is an important guidance for me in my business. Sometimes I surf the internet and sometimes I watch TV because I think the credibility of TV news is higher than that on the internet. Besides,I also pay attention to sports news because I think that's really fun and it can make me relaxed.


二、雅思口语话题:Wedding 婚礼


I want to talk about the wedding ceremony of my colleagu. She got married about five years ago. The wedding ceremony was held in a restaurant which is called "Red Rose". Many people came over. The bride was in a red dress which looked very striking. She toasted with each of us and every guest wished the new couple good luck and happiness and hoped their love could last forever. When she passed by me, I asked her in private, "How do you feel ?" She gave me a shy smile and said,"My heart as beating very fast and I feel very excited. " After a ilittle while,we asked them to perform for us. They sang a song together. We cheered and clapped our hands while listening. This kind of wedding is very common in China. And marriage is a kind of strong tie between two people. The bride and the bridegroom will dress up and red decorations can be seen everywhere because it means luck in China. Sometimes we play tricks on the newlyweds to make the atmosphere better.

我想说一下我同事的婚礼。她大概5年前结婚。婚礼在一家名为“红玫瑰”的饭店举行。很多人远道而来。新娘穿着一身红色的礼服,非常引人注目。她向我们每个人敬酒,每位宾客都祝愿这对新人好运及幸福并且希望他们永远相爱。当她经过我的时候,我悄悄问她:“你感觉怎么样? ”她羞怯地笑着对我说,“我心跳得非常快,我感觉很激动。”过了一会儿,我们让他们为我们表演。他们一起唱了一首歌。我们边听边欢呼、鼓掌。这种婚礼在中国十分常见。而且婚姻是两人之间一种牢固的纽带。新娘和新郎会身着盛装,到处都可以看到红色的装饰,因为在中国这有好运的意义。有时我们会对这对新人恶作剧以此制造气氛。

三、雅思口语话题:Job 工作


I always dream of being a sport reporter who can report related sports events. I put this job in the first place in my job list mainly for the following reasons. First and foremost, I don't like the idea of being confined in the same place for years dealing with similar people and matters, which will drive me crazy. Being a reporter will provide me with various opportunities to go around the country,even the world and meet different people at most exciting moments. Secondly,I, myself,fancy watching basketball game, car racing and figure skating. If I worked as a clerk in a company,I would not have so many chances to enjoy those fantastic events. Also,the working hours are not so strict for a sports reporter ,and he can have more freedom to arrange his time instead of going to the same place at the same time every workday. It would be a fabulous experience if I could share my views on sport e-vents with thousands of people.

我总是梦想成为一个能报道相关体育比赛的体育记者。我把这个工作放在我的工作列表里的第一位是因为以下几个原因。第一也是最重要的,我不喜欢被局限在一个相同的地方很多年应付着相似的人和事,这会使我发疯。作为一个记者可以给我各种各样的机会去走遍全国,甚至世界去和不同的人接触,在每一个激动人心的时刻。第二,我自己喜欢看篮球比赛、赛车以及花样滑冰。如果我是一个公司职员,我可能就没有那么多机会去享受那些美妙的赛事。 同样的,一个体育记者的工作时间也不是那么的严格,他可以有更多的自由去安排自己的时间而不是每个工作日在相同的时间去同样的地点。如果我可以跟许许多多的观众一起分享我对一个体育赛事的观点,那将会是一个极好的体验。


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