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2019-05-31 9196次


01,give examples



Q:Do you get along with your brother?

X Short answer: No, we are not in to the same things.

Long answer:No, we're not in to the same things,like when we are both watching TV we always fight about what show to watch.




通常用到的词有 “usually”,“never”, “always”,“more often than not”

Q: What do you do at the weekends?

X Short answer: I watch TV and play computer games.

Long answer: I usually watch TV and play computer games, but sometimes I go out for a drink with my friends.

03,add your feelings and opinions



Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?

X Short answer: I like shopping.

Long answer: I like shopping because I love trying on new clothes and I always feel more confident when I'm wearing a new outfit.

04,combine details


Q:Do you live in a flat or a house?

X Short answer: I live in a house.

Long answer: I live in a house with my two brothers and my mum, we've also got a dog and a cat.

05,add a contrasting detail


Q: How long have you worked here?

X Short answer: I've worked there for three years.

Long answer: I’ve worked there for three years but I'm going to change careers next year.

06,add past comparisons


Q: Do you play sport?

X Short answer: I play football.

Long answer: I used to love basketball but now I play football because that's what my friends are in to.

07,talk about the future

同样,如果将来某些事情发生变化可以使用“will”或“be + going to”进一步阐述。

Q: Do you work or study?

X Short answer: I am at university at the moment.

Longer answer: I am at the University at the moment, but I'm graduating next year and I will hopefully get a job in advertising.

08,add contrast of the opposite opinions

当被问到意见类问题时用“even so” 或者 “although”等字眼来表明你已经考虑过双方不同的意见,这样回答更全面,更严谨。

Q:Is your hometown a nice place for tourists to visit?

X Short answer: Yes, it has a really nice beach .

Long answer: Yes, it has a really nice beach, although it is getting really busy these days and not as pristine as it used to be.

09,add reasons

简短一句话表述你的行为,不能真正展示你的英语专业知识,最好用“because”或者“so” 来说明你的动机。

Q:Do you like your job ?

X Short answer: Yes, I love my job.

Long answer: Yes,I really love my job because I get to help people with their problems every day.

原文地址 雅思口语频道:http://www.tingtoo.com.cn/IELTS_sy/kouyu/799.html



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