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发布时间:2019-05-15 15:41:57 关注量:8242次





















Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Experiencing challenges and problems are part of life. There is nobody alive who has been spared hardship. When encountering a bad situation, I believe it is important to learn to accept it, such as an unpromising job or lack of money, and then try to make a difference in order to pursue a better life.

Instead of accepting the fact that bad things happen to everyone, most people struggle to distance themselves from dilemmas even though they cannot change what has happened. This resistance of reality only aggravates the pain. However, if people learned to face and embrace unhappiness or disappointment, they would realize that they are strong enough to withstand adversities. Rather than swimming against the tide, practicing going with the flow emerge a tougher and wiser person.

A troubling situation often presents people with perfect opportunities to learn a valuable life lesson. For instance, doing an unsatisfactory job or even getting laid off could motivate the person to upgrade his or her education or skills and learn to become a more valued employee so as to deliver better performance at work. Another example is that starting manage money is a sign of growing up for those who are in debt constantly. Without the ability of creating a budget or investing for the future, one’s life would be in chaos and collapse easily. Of course, there genuinely are extremely difficult and sad situations that all of us must face, such as the death of loved ones, but in most cases, things are less detrimental and dramatic than they seem and surviving difficulties provides perspective in our lives.

Overall, I believe happiness is a choice which relies on how to respond to a negative situation.


Some people say the main way to be happy in life is to have a lot of money. How might having a lot of money make people happy? What other things in life can make people happy?

Happiness is very difficult to define because it means so many things to people. While some believe financial advantage is the source of happiness, I hold a quite different opinion.

A large number of people today connect happiness with economic status. They think the more money they can make, the happier they can become. When there is an item that one dreams to have or a lifestyle that he or she is eager to possess, acquiring that money does make him or her happier, but possibly only in short-term. Once the goal achieved, the person may feel unsatisfied soon. What is worse, modern life seems to be all about consumerism and people are constantly being marketed to compromise so many more valuable things and experiences only to shop more. There are people who work themselves into an early grave to make the money which does not increase life satisfaction in the end.

People tend to think certain factors contribute to happiness when they actually do not. I believe ultimate happiness is dependent on how people look at life. One’s attitude and outlook are the real factors affect happiness. To begin with, being optimistic and purposeful is crucial. Most people are determined to make the best of life, but no one is sure about whether things are going to work out or not. However, when people believe in their abilities to live life in the way they have expected, they usually have higher level of diligence and self-control which creates greater chances of success. Also, engaging in work that has meaning and purpose encourages people to stay motivated and gets them to enjoy more of the journey. Furthermore, having a strong social network in real world provides people with friends and loved ones to share with, learn from and have fun with. The bond and connection shared with others is an unrivalled component of happiness available to all. Last but not the least, wellbeing is an authentic source of being happy. People do not have to be Olympic athletes but maintaining good physical condition is essential for pursuing happiness.

To conclude, there will always be ups and downs in life but when people take care of genuine sources of happiness, they will have the best chance of maintaining a constant stream of it.






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